The teachings of A Course in Miracles are so beautiful that they draw us irresistibly to them. But how do we live them? How do we make them practical? This is the perennial question of nearly every Course student. If the Course doesn’t bring practical change into our lives, what good are those beautiful teachings?
Many students search for a long time for how to make the Course practical, often trying to boil it all down to one simple thing. Yet there is something odd about this, for the Course tells us again and again exactly what it wants us to do.
You may complain that this course is not sufficiently specific for you to understand it and use it. Yet it has been very specific, and you have not done what it specifically advocates. [CE T-11.IX.4:1-2]
The fact is that what the Course asks us to do falls into a series of clear buckets, and the good news is that all of it is doable. And when we do it, it works. It is life changing.
But first we have to be clear on what those buckets are. You ideally need to find out at the outset what it means to walk this path. You need the mystery removed, so that you can incorporate those buckets step by step into your life and thereby achieve their desired results. You don’t have to incorporate them all at once, but each one you do incorporate has the potential to make for a different life.
The purpose of this workshop is to communicate the overall picture of how we practically live the Course. For the sake of making the components of this path easily understandable, the workshop will focus on a simple, colorful diagram that we have produced and plan to use at the Circle extensively in the future. The diagram shows how the different components of the path all come together and how they move through your day, making for a truly happy day.
During the workshop, which was recorded in April 2023, Robert and Emily Perry take you through the components of the diagram, one by one, while giving you a practical taste of each one. By the time you are done, you will have a clear idea of exactly what it means to walk this path and truly live A Course in Miracles.
Purchase includes:
- 3-hour recording for your records.
- Handouts covering major themes and teaching notes.